Price Sheet
June 1, 2023 onward
Subject to price changes, best viewed on a Computer.
Consumer Exclusive Products
Microsoft 365 - Family $139 P/A (12 month Subscription prepaid) - Per family of 5
Microsoft 365 - Personal $109 P/A (12 month Subscription prepaid)Â - Per User
Consumer and Commercial Products
Proactive PC Management $49 P/M (billed pro rata to 16/9/xx, then 12 months rolling commitment) - Per Device
Trend Micro Worry Free Business (Managed Anti-Virus) $89 P/A (fiscal pro-rata prepaid) - Per Device
Commercial Exclusive Products
Microsoft 365 - Exchange Online $23 P/M (Per Month, 12 month auto-renewal contract)
Microsoft 365 - Plan 2 Add-On $13 P/A (Per Month, 12 month auto-renewal contract)
Microsoft 365 - A3 Exchange Online $16 P/M (Per Month, 12 month auto-renewal contract)
Microsoft 365 - Premium Cloud Backup $109 Per tenant + $23 per user - P/M (Monthly commitment) - (Recovery is billed via support rates)
Remote Support Rates (Commercial & Consumer)
Ad-Hoc User (non-managed) $82.50 per 30 minutes billed in 30 minute intervals
Managed User (Subscribed to Proactive Management) $67.50 per 30 minutes billed in 30 minute intervals
(Support contact details re-sent to you via email on request)
Hardware & Software